Saturday, February 8, 2020


  Thrifting for one of a kind designer pieces is honestly like a sport. Trying to win the game by taking home the prize but sometimes you take losses and others you score BIG time. Another Man's Treasure is just steps away from my apartment and my go to for all my vintage needs. Between their NJ and LA location they curate an unreal mix of high end vintage gems. 

  If I could leave you with one tip about thrifting it would be to circle and scan around one more time before leaving the store. I felt defeated and was about to give up last week when I thought I wouldn't find anything (which is also okay and expected when vintage shopping) until I took a last minute peek in this tucked away corner that homed three or four scarfs. I came across this YSL silky tan scarf and instantly fell in love. I knew I wanted to style it into a make shift headband and after a few YouTube tutorials I was able to confidently master the notorious scarf headband... and the rest was history.

Happy Weekend Loves,